Christof Moser

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Vorarlberger Käsknöpfle (für ca. 6 Lütle)

1 kg griffigs Mehl
6-8 Eier
1/4 l Wasser
1 Prise Muskatnuss
4 Zwibla
Bergkäs & Rässkääs & Surakäääs (griba)
Salz & Pfeffr

Zerscht an ziemlig feschta Täg macha ... Wasser ufkocha ... denn der Täg mit em Knöpflehobel inehobla (Oberarmtraining!) ... danebed Zwibla goldgelb aabrota ... jetzt immer a Lag Knöpfle, denn Kääs, widr Knöpfle und denn Kääs (solang ma Luscht und Material hot) ... am Schluss Zwibla drüberd.

Dazua gits Grumpiarasaloot und Öpflmuas ... an kööriga Wiiswie oder a Biar ... und natürlich vorher und danoch an Schnaps!

An Guata!!


Eggplant salad (for 4)

2 medium sized aubergines
2 large tomatoes
1/2 onion, grated
2 garlic cloves, crushed
the juice of a lemon
120 ml olive oil
salt & pepper
a large bunch of parsley
pitta bread to serve

Heat the grill to medium high ... turn the aubergines under the grill until the skin is black and blistered and the flesh very soft ... peel off the skin as soon as you can handle the aubergines and put the flash in a strainer to remove the excess juice and squeeze gently ... then turn the
flesh into a bowl and mash it with a fork ... dip the tomatoes in boiling water for 1 minute, skin and chop them ... add the tomato, garlic and the rest of the ingredients to the aubergine and mix well ... serve cold as a starter and dip with pitta bread!

Kali orexi!


Avocado Sauce

Weiche Avocados halbieren, auslöffeln, mit Paprikagewürz ergänzen, salzen ... fein!